Saturday, January 9, 2010

what the heck is happening now? this whole controversy on the uses of 'Allah' word in christianity? it's like a very stupid issue. and the biggest question is 'why is it being an issue at all'?

being an east malaysian, i grew up knowing that christian do used the word 'Allah' as god in all their every day life, even in their bible. east malaysia has the largest number of christianity and living among them for years, in harmony, and we have never had any issue they uses that word. and suddenly this issue was being brought up by west malaysian up to court!. btw, the word 'Allah' itself is an arabic word and has been used to describe god even before islam. as a muslim, i don't understand on why this thing became controversy. and why now?

today itself, there's a church which was set on fire due to this issue. violence never solve anything. and worst, it's worsen everything.

probably, people are just too ignorance. some people. stupid ones.