Wednesday, December 2, 2009

what a day!

i'm off today. so, i went to pick up m shipment at nationwide express at taman maluri (i wasn't home when they came to deliver the thing). i have informed my lawyer clearly that i want them to courier to other address, but still... i don't know what to say anymore.

i wasn't familiar with that area and i no longer having gps on my new phone. i just go and search for the place. i can consider myself very good with the road. you can give me any address, i can find it. with my intuition. i don't even get lost!

right after, when i'm on my way to mid valley, i, like all others, didn't stop at yellow light and just speed straight ahead although the light changed to red. and right in front of me, is a road block. i can't avoid and the policeman asked me to stop. at first i thought, oh gosh, there goes my $300. the officer asked a lot of question of why i didn't stop. and i have no excuses! i just kept silent, with my face as guilty as hell, just nod to whatever he said and ready to have the given fine. suddenly he said "just go", i was like, "REALLY???" a few times! i thanked him hundred times and drove away. i was so damn relieved!! this was the second times i been let go. previously i begged the officer until i was close to tears! that one was because i drive while talking on the phone. haha.

then, i went to the garden, mid valley. i was looking for a present for jue. leo then joined me and right after, nora jumped in. i was stopped to signed for 3 credit cards which i agreed to sign just because it has been my lucky day.

we went back when all the shops closed and stop to have dinner at a stall beside victoria club in kerinchi.

christmas is around the corner!
