Monday, June 29, 2009

i heard rumors flowing around today. almost surreal. and to have it on someone i knew and someone i quite trust, is the upmost frustrating thing happened. i don't want to believe, but it's believable enough. i don't really believe in rumors until there's an exact proof of that particular thing happened. but on the same time, i can't just say it's not happening.

the rumors was about someone, doing something for which can put him as low as any soul. the greatest sin in humanity, according to 'the kite runner" and according to me as well. as a friend, i want to ask, but afraid to do so. 

i used to trust him. giving him $ whenever he needed my help. the last $ i gave, the value is quite high. i asked a few times from him to pay, but none was received. i hope, the rumors wasn't true, as i'll never trust him again, in a lifetime.