it's 1 Jan 2013. and this year, i'll be 31. 31 years of living. i can still remember when my mother used to carry me on her shoulder to school just because i don't want to. and i would cried like a baby. and i remembered my best friends & i playing in the field till dusk like there's no tomorrow. i remember it all as if it were only yesterday. if anyone asked me if i want to relive my life, i'd be lying if i say no. i do wanted to redo my life all over again. loosening a little and not taking life too serious. yes, i shouldn't have done that.
frankly, i wasn't really enjoying my life right now. it's empty since my mother passed. i miss her so much, it aches. and the man i loved probably married by now. that makes it even worst. i have no goal. no dream. nothing. i just live as days passing by. i even wish if i can die young. what a life.
forgive my rant. i just kinda disappointed with my life now. i wish i can rewind...
so.... happy new year. another chance to make things right. another chance to have dream come true, which.. high probability it will not. another chance to forgive & forget, which i can't even do that.
oh well. i've promised my boss i'll be nice this year.